Dit exclusieve whiskyglas uit de serie ‘Glencairn cut’ staat prachtig op tafel met de unieke vorm. Wat dit glas bijzonder maakt, is dat het gemaakt is van loodkristal en daardoor een zwaarder gewicht heeft dan de standaard Glencairn whiskyglazen.
Deksel met Pot Still erop. Een stukje vakmanschap. Om de geur nog langer in het glas te houden
5oz / 150ml Cups such as this were often used for a last drink when visitors or hunters were about to depart on horseback and it is said that it is named stirrup cup because the guests feet were literally in the stirrups prior to riding off.
3oz / ±100ml Cups such as this were often used for a last drink when visitors or hunters were about to depart on horseback and it is said that it is named stirrup cup because the guests feet were literally in the stirrups prior to riding off.